Fatek FBs-4DA 4 channel details:
FBs-4DA 4, the main analog output modules of FATEK FBs series PLC. It gives 4 and 2 channels 14-bit D/A output prospectively. The different jumper settings can also give the many good varieties of current or voltage of the output signals. The output code creates based on uni polar or bipolar which makes the relation of output code and real output signal. If the module is not serviced properly the output signal will be safe and forced to zero by the CPU for 0.5 seconds output code in system
- Product Channels – 4(4 DA)
- Resolution Type- 14 bit
- Resolution Signal – 0.3 mV & 0.61 uA
- I/O Points Inhabited for Output Register – 4(4 DA) RO
- Accuracy or reliability- ±1 %
- Output loading type
Voltage Output range- 500~1 MΩ
Current Output range- 0~500 Ω
- Output Range
-10~+10V, -5~+5V, 0~10V, 0~5V
-20~+20mA, -10~+10mA, 0~20mA, 0~10mA - Isolation- Transformer and Photo-coupler (Signal)
- Indicator – 5V PWR LED
- External Power and Current Consumption
120mA (4DA)
- Internal Power Consumption range- 5V, 20mA
- Operating Temperature range- 0 ~ 60 ℃
- Storage Temperature range- -20 ~ 80 ℃
FBs-4DA/2DA analog output module are (-8192~+8191) and Output signal (-10V ~ +10V) system for the default settings.The analog signal is when set to (–10V~+10V ) range and the code value is 0, then the Bipolar code will result in 0V output. Though the Unipolar code result in –10V output, for the same code value 8191. In that case the Bipolar code will result in 10V output and the Uni polar code will result in 0V output.
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